Illusions 189 Stone Runner Rug

Radiating both elegance and charm, Illusions stuns in simplicity with its intricately woven floral motifs and soft neutral colourways. Contrasted against a neutral grey backdrop, this whimsical design showcases a muted distressed palette of soft greys and hints of peach and azure blues that would perfectly compliment a traditional, rustic, or boho interior.
Illusions has been masterfully constructed using modern looming techniques and is woven from a 3mm pile of high-quality polyester fibres for a low-shed finish that is both ultra-soft and light underfoot.


  • Material:  Polyester
  • Pile Height:  3MM
  • Construction:  Power  Loomed
  • Origin:  Made in  China

IMPORTANT TIP:  We recommend that an anti-slip pad such as Total Grip is used underneath rugs to prevent slippage between the rug and the surface it is placed on.

Please note:  Allow for a slight variation of colours depending on monitor settings.


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Illusions 189 Stone Runner Rug Product Code:

  • ILU-189-STONE-200X80
  • ILU-189-STONE-300X80
  • ILU-189-STONE-400X80